Listed in alphabetical order.

CITATION FORMAT: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science, Auckland, NZ, Dec 9-12, 2008.

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  1. Anderson, Mr Timothy; Mr Sunilkumar Bura; Dr Mike Duke; Dr James Carson; Dr Mark Lay
    Development of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Energy Cogeneration System (87 kB PDF) 

  2. Armitage, Mr Tim
    Sustainable Wind Energy Projects for New Zealand (248 kB PDF) 

  3. Boothroyd, Dr Ian; M. J. Drury
    Mind the Gap! Frameworks for urban sustainability (51 kB PDF) 

  4. Boyle, Dr Carol; Marya Mahmood
    Comparative Assessment of Embodied Energy and CO2 of Water Tanks (373 kB PDF) 

  5. Camenzuli, Mr Andrew; Dr Gavin M. Mudd
    Towards Comparative Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Geothermal Energy (473 kB PDF) 

  6. Clarke, Mr Caleb
    Roy Clements Treeway Boardwalk – Urban stream management and community involvement (1.17 MB PDF) 

  7. Dale, Mr Michael; Dr Susan Krumdieck; Dr Shannon Page; Dr Kerry Mulligan; Stacy Rendall
    An Ecological Planning Approach To Community Based Sustainable Development (196 kB PDF) 

  8. Eagle, Mr Stephen; Chris Tolley
    Presented by Stephen Eagle
    The Use of Lime Stabilization for Rural Road Rehabilitation in Cambodia (89 kB PDF) 

  9. Emami, Dr Mitra
    Turning a Red Building into a Green Building (646 kB PDF) 

  10. Fuchs, Ms Valerie J.; Lauren M. Fry; Dr. James R. Mihelcic
    Delivering sustainable wastewater infrastructure in an urbanizing world (306 kB PDF) 

  11. Gabe, Mr Jeremy
    Design versus Performance: Lessons from Monitoring an Energy-Efficient Commercial Building in Operation (2.29 MB PDF) 

  12. Gaziulusoy, Ms A. Idil; Dr Carol Boyle; Dr Ir Ron McDowall
    Planning for System Innovation in Product Development Teams of Manufacturing Companies: Criteria Development for a Scenario Method (689 kB PDF) 

  13. Genter, Ms Julie Anne; Lorelei Schmitt; Stuart Donovan
    How minimum parking standards underpin car dependence: the new parking management paradigm (169 kB PDF) 

  14. Greenberg, Ms Ellen; Dr Susan Handy
    Sustainable Street Design (48 kB PDF) 

  15. Griffiths, Kerry
    Getting down and dirty (443 kB PDF) 

  16. Gyamfi, Mr Samuel; Dr Susan Krumdieck; Dr Larry Brackney
    Demand Response in the Residential Sector: A Critical Feature of Sustainable Electricity Supply in New Zealand (224 kB PDF) 

  17. Haarhoff, Mr Thomas
    Sustainability Assessment for First Time Wastewater Scheme (90 kB PDF) 

  18. Hadi, Mr Abdul Samad; Shaharudin Idrus; Abdul Hadi Harman Shah; & Dr Ahmad Fariz Mohamed
    Health and Green Infrastructures for the Livable City (141 kB PDF) 

  19. Harrison, Mr Neil
    The Contribution of Woodfuel to Delivering the Sustainable Society of the Future (272 kB PDF) 

  20. Hassan, Mr. Mohammed; Ms. Zheng Qian; Dr. Jim Salinger; Mr. Doug Ramsay
    Review of Rainfall Intensity Curves and Sea Levels in Manukau City Making Provisions for Climate Change (165 kB PDF) 

  21. Heijs, Mr Jan
    Implementing Sustainable Water Management In North Shore City (916 kB PDF) 

  22. Hope, Mr Andrew; Gibson, Ms Jade
    Carbon Emission Offsetting for Conferences (128 kB PDF)
    Related paper, submitted for the poster session:
    Gibson, Ms Jade; Dr Carol Boyle
    Carbon Offsetting for Conferences (211 kB PDF) 

  23. Hunter, Ms Paula; Mr Simon Berry
    A New Policy Framework for the Allocation of Water – Implications for Municipal Suppliers(162 kB PDF) 

  24. Idrus, Mr Shaharudin; Dr Abdul Samad Hadi; Abdul Hadi Harman Shah; Dr Ahmad Fariz Mohamed
    Spatial Urban Metabolism for Livable City (233 kB PDF) 

  25. Jessup, Mr Anthony; Dr Gavin M. Mudd
    Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Nickel Sulphide Versus Nickel Laterite (76 kB PDF) 

  26. Jitsangiam, Dr Peerapong; Dr Hamid Nikraz; Dr Evan Jamieson; Radoman Kitanovich; Komsun Siripun
    Sustainable Use of a Bauxite Residue (red sand) as Highway Embankment Materials (414 kB PDF) 

  27. Johnson, Dr Anna L.
    New Zealand Approaches to Growth Management (211 kB PDF) 

  28. Kelly, Dr Patricia
    Wise global citizens or McGraduates? Engineering as a civilising influence (107 kB PDF) 

  29. Kneppers, Mr. Ben R.; Mrs. Anna Jonasson; Mr. Brendan Moore
    A Principle-Based Decision Making Framework for Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure(221 kB PDF) 

  30. Koh, Mr Sung-soo; Dr Carol Boyle
    A Complex Systems Approach in Estimating Sustainable System Limits (133 kB PDF) 

  31. Kouvelis, Mr Brian
    Engineering Best Practice – Where are we at? Climate Change in Context (152 kB PDF) 

  32. Krumdieck, Dr Susan; Dr Andre Dantas
    The Visioning Project: Part of the Transition Engineering Process (1.98 MB PDF) 

  33. Lawton, Ms Ella Susanne; Natalie Haltrich; Geoffrey Stack
    A Needs Based Approach to the Urban Design and Planning Process (88 kB PDF) 

  34. Lawton, Dr Maggie
    Developing the blueprint for urban water use efficiency (496 kB PDF) 

  35. Losee, Mr Scott
    Accounting for Climate Change and Peak Oil in Planning and Infrastructure Development in South-east Queensland (78 kB PDF) 

  36. Loveless, Mr Roger
    Street Lighting: A Visible Sign of Commitment to Sustainable Electricity Use (54 kB PDF) 

  37. Lyles, Dr Lionel D.
    Human Carbon Life Footprint And CO2 Emissions Placed in the Earth Atmosphere (Addressing Climate Change) (508 kB PDF) 

  38. Mason, Dr Ian G.; Amanda Ball
    An analysis of the role of the carbon neutral public sector in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand (152 kB PDF) 

  39. Matson, Prof. Douglas M.; Mr. Aniruddha S. Nene
    Use of an insulation-dispersion adobe composite in green building construction (135 kB PDF) 

  40. McCormack, Ms Christine; John Porter
    Presented by Emily Botje
    From Zero to “Hero” – Queenstown Lakes District Council Faces up to the Challenge of Water Demand Management (45 kB PDF) 

  41. McGimpsey, Mr Paul; Michael McMullan
    Strategic Environmental Assessment and Regional Transport Planning: Opportunities in New Zealand (115 kB PDF) 

  42. Mohamed, Mr Ahmad Fariz; Mohd Raihan Taha; Shaharudin Idrus; Abdul Samad Hadi; Abdul Hadi Harman Shah
    Infrastructure for Sustainable Industrial Wastes Recovery in Malaysia (835 kB PDF) 

  43. Mudd, Dr Gavin M.; Dr James D. Ward
    Will Sustainability Constraints Cause ‘Peak Minerals’? (1.10 MB PDF) 

  44. Mulligan, Dr Kerry J.; Dr Shannon C. Page
    Reforesting the Built Environment – a Practical Feasibility Case Study in Christchurch (896 kB PDF) 

  45. Nguyen, Ms Caroline; Prof. Marc Edwards; Dr. Francis DiGiano; Ms. Carolyn Elfland
    Resolving Water Quality Issues in Premise Plumbing Systems with Advanced Water Conservation Features (550 kB PDF) 

  46. Nolan, Mr Michael
    Adapting Infrastructure for Climate Change Impacts (40 kB PDF) 

  47. Ollivier, Mr Peter; Mr Nathan Clarke; Mr Michael Schruer
    Nelson Regional Sewerage Scheme – A Sustainable Solution? (821 kB PDF) 

  48. Page, Dr. Shannon C.; Dr. Ian G. Mason; Emeritus Professor Arthur G. Williamson
    Carbon Capture and Storage: An applicable technology for New Zealand? (74 kB PDF) 

  49. Pan, Mr. Tze-Chin; Prof. Jehng-Jung Kao; Mr. Chin-Min Lin
    Environmental Sustainability based Budget Allocation System (211 kB PDF) 

  50. Pearce, Dr Annie R.
    Sustainability at the Installation Scale: A Comparison of LEED-ND and Systems-Based Sustainability Assessment (603 kB PDF) 

  51. Pearce, Dr Annie R.
    Measuring the Sustainability of Infrastructure Systems: Information Requirements and Desiderata (306 kB PDF) 

  52. Peet, Dr John
    Resource Scarcity – a Physical, not an Economic Issue (996 kB PDF) 

  53. Puddephatt, Ms Jane; Ms Viv Heslop
    Shifting with the times: The Emergence of Low Impact Approaches to Building Sustainable Communities (50 kB PDF) 

  54. Riedy, Dr Chris
    Urban infrastructure for long-term climate change response (122 kB PDF) 

  55. Robak, Ms Anna; Dr Henning Bjornlund
    Charting relationships between water supply and community livelihood and national economic welfare (1.86 MB PDF) 

  56. Russell, Dr John
    Engineering the Global Thermostat Part A – Humanity’s Dilemma (3.67 MB PDF) 

  57. Russell, Dr John
    Engineering the Global Thermostat Part B- Creating the Permaclimate (398 kB PDF) 

  58. Saito, Dr Osamu
    Restructuring existing rural resorts as a sustainable infrastructure for basin socio-ecological systems in Japan: A case of redundant golf courses in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area (1.08 MB PDF) 

  59. Shaw, Mr Ron; Gordon Shaw
    Delivering sustainability through the SME business sector (136 kB PDF) 

  60. Sinclair, Ms Sarah; Anna Krpo
    Developing a Climate Change Toolkit – Lessons Learned, and the Importance of a Spatial Approach (53 kB PDF) 

  61. Slaughter, Mr Greg
    Sustainable Concrete: Fact or Fiction? (79 kB PDF) 

  62. Stanger, Mr Jonathan; Dr Nick Tucker; Dr Stuart Coles
    Green Industrialization for Developing Nations (133 kB PDF) 

  63. Taylor, Miss Hanna
    Presented by Mrs Rebecca Sanders
    Acknowledging the White Elephant in the Room, and Making Aid Work (76 kB PDF) 

  64. Taylor, Miss Hanna
    Presented by Mr Nathaniel Miller
    At the Coal Face of Sustainability Implementation: Balancing the Environmental, Social and Economic Bottom Line in Urban Developments (279 kB PDF) 

  65. Taylor, Mr Richard
    What is the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) and how did Waitakere City Council manage to achieve an ILI of 1.0 (81 kB PDF) 

  66. Torkington, Dr Gabrielle; Veronica Ulfves
    Using Greenhouse Inventories and Life Cycle Analysis to Deliver Meaningful Environmental Profiling for Infrastructure: Case Studies for Learning (87 kB PDF) 

  67. Trotz, Prof. Maya A.
    Diaspora Communities and Sustainable Urban Development: Lessons from Floods in Guyana (403 kB PDF) 

  68. Vickers, Mr Jeffrey J.; Dr Carol Boyle
    A New Approach for Sustainable Product Development Using Scenario Network Mapping and Eco-design (168 kB PDF) 

  69. Weber, Mr Gabriel; Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Günther; Martin Nowack
    Application of real options thinking for the management of climate change risks (122 kB PDF) 

  70. Winter, Dr Kevin; Prof Neil Armitage; Prof Andrew Spiegel; Ms Kirsty Carden; Ms Lizzie Kruger; Mr Ncedo Mngqibisa; Mr Ntebeko Dyani
    Let’s fix it: Managing greywater in shanty settlements, South Africa (189 kB PDF) 

  71. Worth, Mr Zeb; Dr Carol Boyle; Dr Ron McDowall
    Combined life cycle cost assessment of roof construction (108 kB PDF) 

  72. Yamamoto, Dr Kayoko
    City Planning based on Green Space Development in Major Asian Cities (175 kB PDF) 

  73. Yang, Dr Jay; Soon K. Lim
    Reality Check – The Identification of Sustainability Perception and Deliverables for Australian Road Infrastructure Projects (169 kB PDF) 

  74. Young, Mr Damien
    Stormwater Ponds More Than Meets the Eye (657 kB PDF) 

  75. Yung, C. Y. S.; S. Kodippily; T. F. P. Henning; E. Fassman
    The Sustainability of Permeable Road Pavements – The North Shore Experience (4.44 MB PDF) 

  76. Zeibots, Dr Michelle E.; Dr Jan Scheurer; Ms Emma Partridge; Ms Leah Mason
    Sustainability and Alliancing: a case study of new governance practices that emerged from the Roe 7 Highway in Perth (852 kB PDF)